Get the Assistive Technology Selection Implementation Guide
ATSelect is built on the Assistive Technology Tool Selection Protocol that provides a comprehensive model for guiding a clinician or educator to identify the appropriate technology to support the specific learning needs a student may have.
There are 4 steps in the protocol:
1. Use the SETT framework to identify ecological variables (Zabala, 2000; Virtual Center of Excellence, 2000). SETT stands for a) Student, b) Environment, c) Task, and d) Tool.
2. Once SETT variables have been considered, use the Assistive Technology Map to identify the assistive technology tool. To do, first identify the main domain the student is having a difficulty with (oral language, reading, writing, season/motor, organization, or math). Next, identify the specific academic skill that is interfering. For example, reading is comprised of decoding/fluency, comprehension, and reading vocabulary. For more assistance with determining academic skills, refer to the Learning Profile diagram here. The final step will be the identifying of the appropriate assistive technology tool.
3. Once you have identified the assistive technology tool, then learn more about the tool in the Assistive Technology Tool List.
4. After deciding the appropriate assistive technology tool, next choose the program. Look through the assistive technology program software and the equipment list to find a suitable program. When making this decision, take back into consideration the SETT variables.
The PDF form provided on this page will help organize your information as you go through the 4 steps.