Word Prediction
Word prediction software, sometimes called “predictive text”, provides users with a list of suggested words based on what they’ve previously written in a sentence
Word prediction is frequently used in word processing programs (e.g., Word, Pages, Google Docs), but is also seen in smartphone texts and emails. It requires one letter to be typed for prediction to activate
Can help with word selection and sentence composition skills when writing
To see word prediction in action, follow this link:
Evmenova & Regan, 2019
Reviewed, among other technologies, the efficacy of word prediction software in students with learning disabilities (LDs)
Provide strong evidence of numerous research studies showing that word prediction software improves word generation, spelling, and sentence structure in students with LDs
Miranda et al., 2006
Examined the impact of word prediction software on the written output of 8-19 year olds with a physical disability impacting their graphomotor ability through measures of words produced in 10 minutes
Findings demonstrated that word prediction software helped students writer faster and neater, and led to improvement in word variety usage and sentence structure
Brown & Almond, 2021
Examined the usage and impact of word prediction software with bilingual children in first grade
Results suggest that, following word prediction software usage over 1 year, improvements were present in spelling, vocabulary, and written expression length
Quick Facts:
Word prediction software can be easily integrated into multiple other assistive technologies that a student may use
Improves vocabulary, spelling, and sentence structure
Can be used independently, in multiple applications and environments
Requires thorough training and familiarity with software
May occasionally predict non-useful words
To Consider
Different softwares present word prediction differently - training in one program may not translate to another
Product | Price | OS Compatibility | Internet Reliance |
Exact prices change frequently, which is why only approximate ranges are listed.
$ - Under $5
$$ - Between $6 and $50
$$$ - Between $51 and $250
$$$$ - Over $250
Evmenova, A. S., Graff, H. J., Jerome, M. K., & Behrmann, M. M. (2010). Word prediction programs with phonetic spelling support: Performance comparisons and impact on journal writing for students with writing difficulties. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 25, 170–182.
MacArthur, C. A. (1996). Using technology to enhance the writing processes of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 344-354.
MacArthur, C. A. (1998). From illegible to understandable: How word recognition and speech synthesis can help. Teaching Exceptional Children, 30, 66-71.
MacArthur, C. A., Ferretti, R. P., Okolo, C. M., & Cavalier, A. R. (2001). Technology applications for students with literacy problems: A critical review. Elementary School Journal, 101, 273–301.
Silio, M. C., & Barbetta, P. M. (2010). Effects of word prediction on writing fluency for students with physical disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 25, 17-32.
Tumlin, J. & Heller, K. W. (2004). Using word prediction software to increase typing fluency with students with physical disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 19, 5-14.
Williams, S. C. (2002). How speech-feedback and word-prediction software can help students write. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34, 72-78.
Written by Bronwyn Lamond, Last Revision May 2018