Graphic Dictionary
Graphic or pictorial dictionaries display pictures and/or symbols of words and objects along with the written definition.
Graphic dictionaries are included in some software programs (such as Microsoft) and can be accessed by turning on an immersive reader setting, and highlighting the desired word. Graphic dictionaries can also be accessed as websites on the internet.
Graphic dictionaries can support students in reading comprehension and developing their vocabulary.
Graphic Dictionary Video:
Constantinescu (2007):
This paper presents possible strategies for vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension.
This author of this paper suggests that learning through a graphic dictionary assists in foreign language acquisition. Text and picture pairing has been previously found to allow students to learn new vocabulary words efficiently because it provides two components to pair with the new information. Additionally, the use of text, photo, and video is the best method of fast and simple vocabulary acquisition
Research Quick Facts
User-friendly, easily accessed, low-cost
Colourful and themed visuals help to make learning interactive
Unable to visually communicate abstract concepts. Therefore, word count may be limited.
Visuals may be limited to North American standards.
There does not appear to be any research focusing on students with disabilities using graphic dictionaries as assistive technology.
To Consider
Graphic dictionaries have been shown to be very effective for specific purposes. It will be important to consider when they are most appropriate to use in the classroom.
Product | Price | OS Compatibility | Internet Reliance |
Exact prices change frequently, which is why only approximate ranges are listed.
$ - Under $5
$$ - Between $6 and $50
$$$ - Between $51 and $250
$$$$ - Over $250
Constantinescu, A.I. (2007). Using technology to assist in vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension. The Internet TESL Journal, 13(3). Retrieved from